The story of a Korean-American teen who is picked by a significant agency to debut during a 9-piece K-pop girl group sure sounds familiar … but...
Before Lady Gaga collaborated with Blackpink, pioneering South Korean girl groups like Wonder Girls and 2NE1 pushed East Asian pop music into the globe, while challenging...
The hottest K-pop girl group shows no signs of slowing down and seems to only get things bigger and greater. Netflix is now releasing a documentary...
Chadwick Boseman, known for his role as King T’Challa in Marvel’s “Black Panther,” has died after a four-year battle with cancer, in step with a post...
Whether you’re a diehard makeup fanatic or simply like to dabble in the world of cosmetics, knowing about all the different types of makeup brushes and...
Been obsessed with Huda Kattan? No wonder, because there are some gems that you must try from her products and if you’re truly captivated by her...
Call it body makeup, call it a “glotion” (you know: glow + lotion), call it exactly what you need all year round. Glittery, shimmery body gels...
You’ve heard about it, you’ve seen it all over the place. However, what’s going on here? Is it worth the promotion? Today I will audit Huda...
Despite the fact that things appear to be dull and grim recently, Huda Beauty just propelled a holographic beam of daylight. The new Huda Beauty Diamond...
As a self-affirmed lipstick fanatic, I’ve for quite some time been an enthusiast of matte fluid recipes. All things considered, I’m the first to concede that...