
Fight COVID-19 : A List of the Healthiest Vegetables



We don’t wanna be the ones to rain on anyone’s parade but hard-pill-to-swallow alert! Until we have found a clear-cut cure or vaccine to this COVID-19 virus, the only viable option we have is to keep ourselves as strong and as healthy as possible. One way to do this is by being extra mindful of the food we eat.  By bringing dishes made of the healthiest vegetables at our table during every meal, exercising on the regular and taking the necessary precautions, you should be fine. 

That being said, we did our homework : A bit of research and word of advice from professionals and we have come up with a list of the healthiest vegetables to keep a stock of in your pantry. The good news is that aside from helping keep viruses and diseases at bay, these vegetables are also helpful in keeping your skin glowing, helping you lose weight and keeping your body strong. 

Best Vegetables To Eat Raw

Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with cooking vegetables. However, if getting the most potency of nutrients is what you are after, these are the best vegetables to eat raw. 


 A famous vegetable in Italy that is often added after the pizza has been cooked to keep it as raw as possible. It is also often chopped finely then added to pasta. It is called an addition to “many unpretentious recipes in which it is added, chopped, to sauces and cooked dishes. This vegetable is rich in calcium, potassium folate, vitamin C and vitamin K. 


This vegetable is one of the oldest known leafy greens to be consumed by humans. Apart from being an effective diuretic, expectorant and digestive aid – it is also rich in anti-carcinogenic properties such as iodine, iron, calcium, folic acid and manganese to name a few. 

Bok Choy

A chinese vegetable that is quite famous among health and wellness junkies, Bok Choy ranked as the second for nutrient density out of the 41 listed “powerhouse fruits and vegetables” by the U.S. Center for Disease Control. What’s amazing is that Bok Choy is actually quite delicious when eaten raw. 

Best Vegetables for Weight Loss 

In our previous articles, we’ve shared about the 70-30 principle which pretty much states that your fitness is determined by 70% of what you eat and 30% the work that you put inside the gym. To help you achieve your body goal, here are some examples of the best vegetables for weight loss. 


Aside from spinach, other leafy vegetables like kale and lettuce are going to do a terrific job at helping you burn that unwanted excess belly. Because of its very health content, spinach actually came out as one of the best vegetables for weight loss in several researches conducted. Just add slightly cooked or blanched spinach to your breakfast or lunch. 


Whether you’re an omnivore, a vegan or a vegetarian, the chances are – you love mushrooms too! There are also lots of types to choose from – enoki, king oyster, shitake, so it’s highly unlikely that you’ll get tired of it given all of these varieties to choose from. 

They’re also quite filling and rich in protein. Not to mention – so versatile that there are so many types of dishes that you can make with them. 


While it is not as popular as the rest of the other dishes on this list, Asparagus is indeed a “wonder food” when it comes to weight loss. It contains a very unique type of chemical called “asparagine”. Asparagine is an alkaloid which acts directly on cells while breaking down fat. 

Best Vegetables for Bodybuilding 

While it is a commonly-known fact that most athletes and bodybuilders opt for animal-derived by products as their source of protein, you would be surprised to know that the list of best vegetables for bodybuilding can be quite interesting.


While it’s technically not a vegetable and more of a fruit, nuts make a great go-to snack for anyone who’s looking to bulk up. These little buttons are able to squeeze-in even more bone-fortifying calcium into your diet without bringing up your calorie count that much. It is also quite filling so that is another plus! 


Much like beans that only tend to grow in a pod, legumes are low in fat, low in cholesterol and packed with protein. In fact, it’s the biggest source of protein for vegans and vegetarians. Cooked, these lentils can provide you with up to 18g of protein. 


Yes, seeds! Think of Chia Seeds or Flax Seeds. Although they are really, really small – they are actually loaded with protein, healthy fat and omega-3. In fact, one spoonful of chia seeds only amounts to 60 calories and is able to yield 4g of protein. 
