Celebrities & Entertainment

Park Min Young Beauty Tips : How To Look 20 in Your 30s



What’s wrong with Secretary Kim? We are not quite sure, but it is definitely not her looks! If you do not get this reference – believe us when we say that you might just be missing out on one of the best feel good Kdrama series out there. If you have, we are willing to place our bets that at one point or another, you have tried searching for ‘Park Min Young Beauty Tips’. 


And honestly, why not? She always looks so fresh and flawless. As newbie Kdrama fans ourselves, we were shocked to know that the actress is, in fact, already in her mid 30s. To be exact, Park Min Young is 34 years old. Would you believe it? Neither can we! Generally speaking,when it comes to looking younger than they actually are – leave it to our South Korean idols. 

That said, if you have been looking for Park Min Young’s makeup, Park Min Young’s beauty products or Park Min Young’s skin care routine – look no further as we will share with you some of the tips from the actress herself as mentioned in her previous interviews. 


Glowing Skin Secret 


It is not a secret that as an actress, she needs to be wearing makeup for long hours on end. She even shared that sometimes, it goes on for as long as twenty to twenty four hours or a full day whenever she is filming a drama. According to Min Young, even on very short breaks, she would take off her makeup and make sure to use at least two to three face masks everyday. In fact, she mentioned that she thinks it is indeed the most efficient product when it comes to skincare. 


“I apply a mask pack every day. I moisten my skin with a moisture mask pack on normal days and apply a whitening pack during the film shooting”, said the actress. 


Applying a face mask is pretty simple. However, if you put it on your face for way too long, it might cause you some problems – including leaving your face dry. Which, in essence, is quite counterproductive. According to Min Young, it is just as important to make sure to follow the time specified on the face masks to get their optimum results. 

Aside from swearing by her face mask – another must-have item in Park Min Young’s skin care routine is her toner. In case you are wondering – she lives by the simple Cleanse-Tone-Moisturize routine. What makes her routine a little different is how she never – not even once, skips on the toner. 


Park Min Young Skin Care Routine


For starters, she washes her face for about 30 seconds to a whole minute. This includes scrubbing too – to make sure that there is no deep seethed dirt that stays on her skin. However, also make sure not to scrub too hard as it may cause even more skin problems. After that, it is time to apply the toner. 


Instead of using a cotton to apply the toner – apply a liberal amount of toner on your hands instead ( make sure they are clean) and apply it on your face. Afterwards, slap your face very gently. 


Yes, you read that right – very gently. This helps water molecules penetrate your skin better and so much faster. 


Excited to get beautiful, glowing skin like Park Min Young? So are we! 

