
Indoor Hanging Plants To Bring Life Into Your Space



If you’re tired of staring at the same room, bringing nature indoors is an easy and good thing to refresh your space. To be honest, plants may help reduce stress and reduce indoor air pollutants. And there’s no question that they make your space, no matter the size, look and feel — more cozy and welcoming. If you feel you’re short on space or available things to put in your room, turn to these indoor hanging plants to infuse your home with live greenery. There are so many ways to create homes for our plants! Not to mention, these pretty picks are a handy option if you have pets who like to nibble on houseplants, or young children who pick up everything in sight.

Taking care of a hanging plant may sound tricky, but the same rules apply: Before sticking the plant, succulent, or flowers in a new planter, read up on how much water and sun it needs to thrive. A south-facing window is best for plants that need bright light, but many of the plants on this list can survive in low-light conditions. And whatever you do, make sure your planter has draining holes to prevent overwatering.

Air Plant (Tillandisa)

Air plants  are the perfect low-maintenance plant to keep anywhere since they don’t need soil to survive. Most people like to hang air plants in glass terrariums filled with colorful accents and trinkets. Keep your plant in a spot with good air circulation and plenty of bright light.

Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

The golden pothos sports an elegant look thanks to its variegated golden-yellow leaves. Give your pothos a moderate amount of light to bring out its colors. This is one of the best indoor hanging plants you can keep in your bedroom since they purify airborne toxins, which helps you breathe easier and get a better night’s sleep

Boston Fern

These inexpensive ferns are a classic houseplant, but let’s make one thing clear: They require tons of TLC. Boston Ferns need constant light moisture and high humidity levels, which you can accomplish by sticking them on top of a tray filled with pebbles and water. They also shed regularly, so keep your broom handy.

Spider Plant

Spider Plants are classic for a reason: They have long strappy leaves and arching stems with tiny plantlets on the ends, which can be pinched off to make new baby plants. Stick it in a room with bright light, even though it’ll adjust to low-light conditions. Water it when the soil is slightly dry.


Phalenopsis Orchids don’t deserve a bad reputation for being fussy because they’re pleasantly forgiving. They’ll continue to bloom for months — years, even — as long as you give them bright, indirect light and water each week.



This hardy plant is perfect for newbies because it’s extremely tolerant a.k.a. it can survive weeks without water and light. Pothos, which also goes by Devil’s Ivy, prefers moderate light, but will tolerate low light. Let it dry out between waterings.


