
How To Prevent Coronavirus : A Crash Course



None of us saw it coming. Just like that, we are witnessing a global phenomenon that mind kind has not seen in about a century. The Culprit : NCOVID-19, also commonly known as Coronavirus. Perhaps, the biggest question in our heads is  “How can I prevent coronavirus?”

In as quick as the snap of a finger : life as we knew it changed. No more eating out at our favourite restaurants. No more spontaneous road trips with our friends. No more close contact to show affection. Even some of the world’s prominent figures were not spared from the virus. Household name businesses had to restructure their plans and strategies and went full on agile mode. 

Initially, it felt like something that was only happening in a select region or in certain parts of the world. Now, it is closer to us than we would like to admit. Almost every single person in the world knows someone has a firsthand experience with the virus. Perhaps, that is also the reason why you were led to this article in the first place. 

Understanding The Pandemic 

Novel Coronavirus Infection Diseases – 19 (NCOVID-19) is an infectious disease that is brought about by a newly discovered coronavirus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most people who contract the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness that will not entail any special form of treatment. On the other hand, the immunocompromised such as the elderly and people living with underlying health conditions are at risk as the disease can be more serious and even fatal.

How Does Coronavirus Spread? 

The biggest challenge with this virus is that it spreads very fast. Coronavirus is transmitted primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose of an infected individual when that person sneezes or coughs. Here are some examples : If Person A is infected and does not practice respiratory etiquette, the droplets from his coughing and sneezing can be caught by another person either through direct contact or touching the same surface. Much like any other disease we know, Coronavirus finds it way into our bodies through our eyes, nose and mouth. 

How Can I Prevent Coronavirus? 

Now that we have been able to understand the virus and how it spreads – it is also important to know how we might be able to prevent it. As we speak, further studies are being made. There is still no clear cut cure to the virus or a vaccine to protect us from it. The best and only way to go about it for the time being is to take extra steps to prevent coronavirus, even in our own little ways. 

Based on the Coronavirus guidelines released by the World Health Organization (WHO), here are some ways : 

  • Stay at home as much as you can. The very first thing highlighted in the coronavirus guidelines is to simply stay at home and avoid unnecessary physical contact at all costs. 
  • If physical contact is unavoidable, make sure to keep a safe distance. Social distancing – as they would put it. The virus will keep trying to find a new host and in that case, our goal is to starve it! 
  • WEAR A FACEMASK! If going out of the house is really, really unavoidable for whatever reason – make sure to wear a facemask. Aside from protecting yourself from the virus, it is also one way of showing respect for the frontliners and other people. You may be healthy enough to defeat the virus but the people around you may not be. One way to look out for them is to wear a facemask. Also, disinfect as soon as you get home! 
  • Practice respiratory etiquette. Do not cough or sneeze with your nose and mouth uncovered. 
  • Frequent hand washing is a must. In fact, some studies suggest that it might be even more effective than disinfecting with alcohol. Soap with water is able to break down the virus – killing it in the process. 
  • Practice better health habits. We are willing to bet that prior to this whole shebang, we were all too busy living our lives – so focused in school, work, or whatever aspect of our life is demanding so much for us. Now that we have more time than we have ever imagined, take this as a chance to eat a more balanced diet, get some exercise and catch up on sleep. It would also be best to take vitamins religiously to boost your immune system. 
  • Do not hoard items. Now, you might be wondering : What you buy is your business. What does that have to do with Coronavirus guidelines? Simple. When you deprive other people of means to protect themselves such as soap, tissue, alcohol, face masks or vegetables – you are indirectly putting yourself at risk. If only a few people have enough to keep themselves safe – it will be useless because the higher the likeliness other people would contract the virus. 

As the old adage goes, this too shall pass! In the meantime, follow your local authorities’ directives and look out for others by taking good care of yourself. 

Did this article help you understand how coronavirus spreads and how we can prevent it? Let us know in the comments!
