Imagine this, you have been looking forward to this occasion for weeks or months now. Perhaps it is a long overdue night out with your friends. The birthday party of your college buddies. It could even be a date with bae. You have already taken mental notes of how you want everything to pan out. You already chose your outfit, your overall look and so on.
Suddenly, you check the mirror and there it is. A tiny little detail that feels like the reason everything is going to be ruined because really, how exactly do you cover up a pimple flawlessly? Worry not. We completely understand how you feel. Who would not want to look perfect during an event you have been waiting for, right? We are not quite sure how you went past it the previous times. Nonetheless, we are here to provide you with a solution should you find yourself in the same situation again.
For starters, there are a few ways ways you can choose to go about this zit sitch : find out how to cover pimples naturally, find out how to cover acne with makeup and do so naturally or use a pimple cover up patch. We will be discussing each in just a short while. In the meantime, let us talk a little bit about why these little things suddenly pop out on your face or other parts of your body, shall we?
Pimples find their way into your face sebaceous glands (or oil glands, in simplest terms) get clogged and infected. This leads to red lesions that are often swollen and filled with pus. They are sometimes referred to as zits but they are part and parcel of the same thing – acne. While that sounds a little bad and scary – it is actually quite normal. You’re probably thinking : “Okay, cool. Fine, it is normal. But I do not want it on my face!”
We get it. That is why we have come up with a list of the most important hacks to cover those pimples and hopefully, it will be the only hacks you will be needing.
How to Cover Acne With MakeUp Naturally
First, you need to understand that there is just no way to cover pimples “naturally” – because doing so naturally would mean waiting it out until it dries up. Alternatively, here are some tricks that you could use :
DO NOT, at all costs, prick your pimples. This will just make matters even worse! Trust us, it will not be pretty. That said, make sure to be as gentle as possible when handling your pimple.
For white heads, use a concealer with a really, really thick consistency – much like a putty. Just a heads up, it is highly likely that you will find this kind of concealer in a pot or jar and not in a wand packaging. Once you have found it, use an adequately sized eye shadow brush and be as targeted as possible. If you touch the good skin around it, all the more it will make the white head obvious. Once you’re done covering, tap it lightly and carefully so it does not look tall. You can also put a bit of translucent powder to seal the deal.
For really, really, really red one. Okay, full-disclosure : there is no single formula to covering these kinds of little monsters. However, here is a rule of thumb : Use toned concealers in the shade of greens, blues and occasionally purple. Just play around with these colors – normally, the green tone works best. Like we have mentioned earlier, the key is to be as precise as possible. Once it has been covered, use a thin formula concealer in your skin tone or cover it up with your foundation.
For flaky, dry-and-almost-dead ones. These are tricky ones too! Sometimes, it is so easy to just cover them up without a fuss using makeup. Other times, they are just too stubborn. The key is to hydrate your skin first. Put a very small amount of your trusty moisturizer and dab it on the inflamed part. After which, use a regular concealer, ideally with moisturizing powers, to cover it up and then finish with face powder.
For cystic outbreaks. Hold up. You gotta start off with a compress – it could be cold or warm. It will soothe the soreness while killing the bacteria. Next step is to steer clear from the heavy, thickly formulated concealer and use a tinted moisturizer and lightweight concealer instead. Trust us, you will thank us for it later on.
On the other hand, to save yourself from all the stress – you can opt to use a pimple cover up patch. These patches work by protecting the sit from further dirt while absorbing the gunk it contains. Leave it for a day or so and the next thing you know, it has flattened out and it is gone!
We hope these tips help. At the end of the day, remember that no matter how good the fix is, it is always the best to take out the root of the problem. By that, we mean love your skin a little extra and we are sure it will love you back!